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I want to learn English and...


Learn how to talk about:
Business Negotiations
Hosting a Meeting Online
International Networking

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Digital Marketing

Sales Funnels
Lead Magnets
Revenue Platforms

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Online Learning
Virtual Training
Curriculum Development
Academic Leadership

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Laser Focus

The More Focused You Are, The Clearer Your Results Will Be

Group Classes
The value of having your peers help you through your learning is often understated. Learning a language is useless without other people to talk to, so it makes sense to have other people to practice with who are also at your level.
Personalized VIP sessions
I will help you with the specific language problems and communication issues you are dealing with in your job.
Online Courses
Work on your own time by enrolling in my online course.
In-person Lessons
I will custom design a learning plan for your team at work.

Our Partners

English and __________.

Learn English for Specific Purposes

3 steps for IT leaders to excel in their careers with better English
3 steps for IT leaders to excel in their careers with better English
By: Arthur Johansen 3 steps for IT leaders to increase their English language proficiency so they can excel at leading their teams. Getting ...
SMALL TALK sentence starters to sound like a native English speaker
SMALL TALK sentence starters to sound like a native English speaker
Author: Arthur 'AJ' Johansen, 14.10.2020 Here are 3 questions you can ask to sound like English is easy for you: (and 1 bonus phrase...
13/150+ Event Planning Terms in English that Event Organizers Should Know (updated for virtual events)
13/150+ Event Planning Terms in English that Event Organizers Should Know (updated for virtual events)
By Arthur Johansen 05-11-2020 Empty chairs at empty tables, where the events are hosted no more. Travel Directors: An entire indust...